Boyd helps efficiently manage the energy created by and radiated from electronic devices. Physical movement, power conversion and transfer, device and component interaction as well as external environmental impacts like temperature and ultraviolet radiation, create energy within and around a device that interferes with reliable performance, accelerates aging and impedes operating speeds and efficiency. This ultimately shortens expected device life cycles and frustrates consumers.
Energy management expertise at Boyd Corporation spans numerous forms including thermal, electromagnetic, light, electric, sound and mechanical energy. Our advanced engineers help study the impact of inefficiently or mismanaged energy, simulate potential solutions and design components that mitigate this negative energy impact. Our energy management solutions commonly spread, absorb, transfer or insulate heat, electromagnetic interference (EMI), sound waves and physical movement as well as bend and reflect light energy for enhanced visuals. Some of Boyd's most common energy management solutions are EMI shields, optically clear adhesives, light blocking films, EMI absorbers, electrical insulators, sound blockers, thermal insulation, heat spreaders, acoustic filtration, vibration absorption and mechanical damping.
Through efficient energy management solutions, Boyd helps you prevent unintended device failure, minimize wear and tear, improve efficiency and extend the life cycles of your products – helping you maximize customer satisfaction.