Boyd Corporation has over 85 years of customer-focused performance success and is a market leader in thermal management and environmental sealing.
Boyd’s specialization: identifying and solving customer challenges with deep expertise in the materials sciences for engineered rubber, plastic, metal, flexible environmental sealing and energy management solutions.
Boyd’s core competencies: our experienced, global team focuses on the development of custom fabricated solutions and world class supply chains across a wide array of end markets and manufacturing technologies. We provide an extensive range of product offerings that can support your organization in areas such as environmental seals and gaskets, thermal management components, extruded rubber and plastic, molded rubber and plastic, EMI shielding and much more.
What you can expect
Customer service excellence: Boyd Corporation is committed to customer advocacy. We deliver to you high touch customer service, seamless across our global facilities and optimized for your complex supply chains. Our commitment to advocating for your best needs includes thorough project management from design to prototyping to production as well as sophisticated order management that caters to your custom EDI or supply portal needs.
Global availability and reliability: Boyd is a unique supplier and value our people as our most important asset. In addition to our global solutions that enhance the performance and manufacturability of your products, Boyd’s global manufacturing footprint provides consistent quality and cost-effectiveness, thus, providing you reliability throughout the product life cycle.
Responsiveness: We understand that in today’s marketplace there is high demand for compressed product development cycles and swift results. With our global access to materials and NPI capability within global, mass production sites, we’re able to provide prototype samples in rapid intervals, thus, accelerating your development cycles.
Boyd Corporation is a leader in the industry with focus on its people, technology, innovation, materials, logistics and an unmatched, best cost global footprint.
Thank you for your consideration and for choosing Boyd Corporation,
Mitch Aiello, President & CEO